We are dedicated to understanding the most important feature of the case, the client.
People Centered-
We are dedicated to understanding the most important feature of the case, the client.
Honestly, I always thought that was going to be the end of my life. I had nobody to look up to for encouragement: I`ve had to rely solely on the drawing of inspiration from studying the Word Of God, praying to God for strength to withstand the test and for knowledge and wisdom from above never to depart from that experience.
When I came to know you, however brief, you exhibited exceptional qualities that will forever have you earn a special place in my memory. Your special attention and positive responses played a very crucial role in helping to relieve me of the mental and emotional trauma that engulfed me. Thank you.
- Thomas A.
Purpose Driven-
I love what I do. I embrace the challenge of meeting people at their most difficult moments in life and guiding them through their turning points.
Success is not just winning a case, it means persuading strangers to understand each other, it means advancing a more compassionate and sincere discussion about things that matter, it means changing the world one story at a time.
-Attorney Bruce R. Hawkins,Jr.
Passionate Advocacy-
You can always feel when someone cares about you. They fight for you as if they were in your shoes, as if they feel your pain, as if they believe that your misfortune can occur to them.
Anyone who needs an attorney who has both a brain and a heart... Anyone who needs an attorney who can launch both logical and common sense approaches to their case… Anyone who needs an attorney who knows the law as well as the injustice inherent in the system…
I would recommend you most highly to anyone who needs a professional defense attorney to fight for them. In short, Mr. Hawkins, it has been our privilege to have you on our case. Thank you again.
Sincerely, Mr. Marshall